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February 11 7:00 AM

Due to a water pipe break, the bus lane on Capitol is closed. Buses will enter MSS traveling north on Capitol from Front. No stops will be missed.


February 11 1:00 AM

Due to detour, inbound stops at Capitol and University, Capitol and Cesar Chavez, and Capitol and River will be closed until further notice. Temporary stop will be placed at Capitol and Boise Ave.


February 11 1:00 AM

Due to construction route will detour using University to Broadway. All inbound stops between on University and Main Street Station are closed. A temporary stop has been placed on Lincoln at University.

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February 11 1:00 AM

Due to construction both inbound routes 4 and 5 are on detour. From River, Left on 11th, Right on Myrtle, Left on Capitol. Stop at Capitol and River will be missed. No temp stops placed.


February 08 12:00 AM

Due to road work in the area Inbound route 24 stop on Ustick and Shamrock is closed and no temp stop placed.


January 24 12:00 AM

Due to construction on State and Pierce Park area both stops on inbound and outbound sides are closed and no temp stops.

January 16 1:00 AM

Due to road closure on 8th Street OB route will be on detour from 5th Street to Fort Street. Stop on 8th and Franklin will be closed, no temp stop placed. Please go to next open stop to catch route 10.

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January 16 1:00 AM

For the outbound routes 2, 16 and 17 stop on Main and 3rd is closed for long term, please use stop on Main and 1st. Thank you.


September 16 8:00 AM

Due to road construction, route 16 is on detour. Stops on 1st/Idaho and 1st/Bannock will be closed, use stop on Main and 1st.

Home > FAQ


Got a question about public transportation? We’ll probably have an answer on this page. Otherwise, call us!

  • Do you provide service on holidays?

    We do not provide service on the following holidays:

    • New Year’s Day
    • Memorial Day
    • Fourth of July
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving Day
    • Christmas Day

    VRT offers reduced service on additional holidays. Learn more: Holiday Services

  • What's your policy on mobility devices like wheelchairs?

    Mobility devices such as wheelchairs and scooters are allowed on our buses. Please note that mandatory securement is required for all mobility devices inside the bus.

  • What are your rules for riding the bus?

    While on board the bus, we ask that you observe a few courtesies to make your bus ride easier, safer, and a more pleasant experience for yourself and other passengers.

    1. Smoke (including smokeless electronic cigarettes) or drink alcohol
    2. Board through the rear door (unless it is necessary to help ensure the health and safety of riders)
    3. Refuse to pay the fare
    4. Litter
    5. Use profanity, or engage in disruptive behavior
    6. Threaten or harass the driver or other passengers
    7. No spraying of aerosol cans or misting substances (e.g. perfume)


    1. Open food or non-spill proof drink containers
    2. Flammables (such as gas cans) and vehicle batteries
    3. Strollers, grocery carts, etc. that are too large to fit between the rows of seats
    4. Animals (except service animals) that are not in an approved container that can fit on your lap
    5. Snow skis


    1. Wear shirts and shoes
    2. Listen to music only through headphones and keep the volume low enough so other riders can’t hear it
    3. Remain seated while the bus is in motion (when possible)
    4. Keep your feet off the seats
    5. Keep your hands, arms, and head inside the bus
    6. Do not shout out the window
    7. Respect fellow riders – no loud talking with passengers or on your cell phone


    No refunds or replacement bus passes for purchased, lost, expired, or stolen passes.

    The longest time a passengers may ride on a route is from the stop used to get on the bus back to the same stop. Once the passenger exits the bus, he or she may ride another bus or wait for the next bus on the same route to ride again.

  • Do I need a transfer to switch buses?

    VRT bus services do not use transfers. Instead, a rider can purchase a one-day pass, which is good for unlimited rides on the day of purchase. The cost of a one-day pass is $2.50 for adults, and $1.25 for students (ages 6-18), older adults (ages 65+), and persons with disabilities.

  • How do I catch the bus?

    Valley Regional Transit operates all of its services using fixed-route service (Ada County/intercounty routes) or on-demand service (Canyon County and Eagle). Visit the How to Ride page to learn how to catch the bus for both fixed-route service and on-demand service.

  • How long is a pass good for?

    If you have an unused bus pass (not activated), it will expire one year from the purchase date. The only exception is a one-year pass, which is activated from the day of purchase.

  • Do you have tips for bike riders that use the bus?
    • Please note that we have a secure bike storage room available at Main Street Station. For more information, contact VRT Customer Service at 208-345-7433.
    • Remove any loose items from your bike prior to the arrival of the bus.
    • All of our buses, with the exception of paratransit vans, are equipped with bike racks. Each rack holds two or three bicycles. If you have any questions about how to use the bike rack, ask the driver.
    • Load the bike as quickly as possible. If you are loading your bike on an empty rack, please place your bike in the slot closest to the windshield of the bus.
    • For safety reasons, the driver is not allowed to help you load or unload your bicycle.
    • To be assured your bicycle will fit all VRT buses equipped with bike racks, the bike tires must be between 20-29 inches with a maximum width of 2.35 inches. The bike wheelbase cannot exceed 44 inches. VRT is not responsible for any damage to bicycles that do not properly fit the bike rack or are loaded or unloaded incorrectly.
    • Make sure the front tire stabilizer is securely in place. Your wheels must fit completely inside the wheel channels. The bus operator will make the final determination as to whether your bike has been successfully secured on the rack.
    • If possible, sit near the front of the bus. When exiting, use the front door and tell the driver that you will be unloading your bike. Be sure to load and unload bikes towards the curb. Do not expose yourself to traffic when loading and unloading.
    • If no bikes are left on the rack, please secure the rack in the upright position.
    • Bikes are not allowed inside the buses with one exception. Mini folding bikes are allowed if the bike can be folded and completely fit between the rows of seats.
    • Please note that VRT is not responsible for damages incurred or caused by or to bicycles on a rack.
    • There is no charge for transporting your bike.
    • Please note a bicycle with a small gas motor attached to it is considered a moped under Idaho Department of Transportation rules. These vehicles cannot be placed on a bike rack.
    • Electric bikes (bicycles with electric motors) are allowed on our bus bike racks. An electric bike cannot block or limit access to any empty bike slots on the rack. An electric bike also can be brought aboard the bus if it is foldable and can fit completely within two rows of seats.
    • Panniers (bike bags) can remain on a bike if they do not negatively impact the ability of others to use the bike rack. If the panniers are blocking an empty bicycle slot to the extent that the slot is unusable, the bags or the bicycle must be removed.
  • Do you have a lost and found?

    Remember when departing the bus to check for your personal belongings beside and around you. VRT is not responsible for items found on the bus. If a non-perishable item is not claimed within 30 days, it will be donated to a local charity. If you think you might have lost something on the bus, call VRT Customer Service at 208-345-7433.

    You will have to pick up your lost item in person at either:

    • The Happy Day Transit Center, 5907 Cleveland Blvd. in Caldwell (9 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays). Please go to the customer service window.
    • Main Street Station (7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays), 777 W. Main St. in downtown Boise. Please go to the customer service window.
  • How is Valley Regional Transit funded?

    Funding used for the majority of planning and administration costs for Valley Regional Transit (VRT) is being provided through the City of Boise, Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC) and the Community Planning Association (COMPASS). In addition, the VRT Board of Directors approved a dues structure that will supply ongoing funding for planning efforts and two staff members.

    Funding for capital/maintenance, Nampa/Caldwell on-demand service and inter county service primarily comes from three sources – federal grant monies, fare and advertising revenues, and voluntary contributions from the governing bodies for geographical areas that receive service.

    Funding for operations for the Boise/Garden City fixed-route system comes from voluntary contributions from both cities and fare and advertising revenues.

    In order for a viable coordinated public transportation system to exist in the Treasure Valley, and to expand the existing system into a true regional public transportation system, additional funding sources will have to be found.

  • What type of transportation services are there in the Treasure Valley?

    A wide variety of public transportation services are available in the region. These options include fixed-route, intercounty service between Ada and Canyon counties, demand response, paratransit, vanpools, and senior center transportation . A full list of the services available can be found by using the “Services” dropdown menu at the top of this page. For more information on bus services, please call VRT Customer Service at (208) 345-7433. For more information about vanpools and carpools, please call (208) 345-7665.


  • What is the Transi-Cheks program?

    Transi-Cheks are being offered to encourage commuters to try an alternative mode of transportation. The Transi-Cheks Program rewards a commuter by subsidizing $20 a month for the first three consecutive months of their Valley Regional Transit bus pass or Commuteride vanpool fare.

    To learn more about the program, call ACHD Commuteride at 208-345-7665.

  • Can I smoke while waiting for a bus?

    While waiting for the bus, smoking is prohibited in these areas:

    • Inside or outside Main Street Station or the Happy Day Transit Center
    • Within the bus transfer location on the south side of Main Street between 9th and 8th Streets
    • Within the bus transfer location at Towne Square Mall, consisting of the raised concrete waiting location and extending out twenty (20) feet into the parking lot on all sides
    • Within 20 feet of all other bus stops, benches, stations, platforms, and shelters
  • What are your rules about bringing baggage on the bus?

    Baggage that can be stored under a passenger’s seat, on a passenger’s lap, and/or on the seat next to the passenger will be admitted. The luggage/baggage cannot protrude to another seat, into the aisle, or otherwise, interfere with other passengers. Baggage that will not be admitted on board shall include any large, bulky, dangerous, or offensive article that may cause harm or discomfort to any passenger.

Still Have a Question?

Customer Service 208-345-7433
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