February 11 7:00 AM
Due to a water pipe break, the bus lane on Capitol is closed. Buses will enter MSS traveling north on Capitol from Front. No stops will be missed.
Due to a water pipe break, the bus lane on Capitol is closed. Buses will enter MSS traveling north on Capitol from Front. No stops will be missed.
Due to detour, inbound stops at Capitol and University, Capitol and Cesar Chavez, and Capitol and River will be closed until further notice. Temporary stop will be placed at Capitol and Boise Ave.
Due to construction route will detour using University to Broadway. All inbound stops between on University and Main Street Station are closed. A temporary stop has been placed on Lincoln at University.
Due to construction both inbound routes 4 and 5 are on detour. From River, Left on 11th, Right on Myrtle, Left on Capitol. Stop at Capitol and River will be missed. No temp stops placed.
Due to road work in the area Inbound route 24 stop on Ustick and Shamrock is closed and no temp stop placed.
Due to construction on State and Pierce Park area both stops on inbound and outbound sides are closed and no temp stops.
Due to road closure on 8th Street OB route will be on detour from 5th Street to Fort Street. Stop on 8th and Franklin will be closed, no temp stop placed. Please go to next open stop to catch route 10.
For the outbound routes 2, 16 and 17 stop on Main and 3rd is closed for long term, please use stop on Main and 1st. Thank you.
Due to road construction, route 16 is on detour. Stops on 1st/Idaho and 1st/Bannock will be closed, use stop on Main and 1st.
Valley Regional Transit (VRT), with the City of Eagle and the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, cut the ribbon Tuesday morning on the 160 Eagle On-Demand.
“The City of Eagle has been working hard to support their residents’ transportation needs,” said VRT CEO Elaine Clegg. “This service is the result of a long planning process between VRT and the City of Eagle, and we commend you for making this investment in your community.”
VRT’s on-demand service is a new way to provide bus service in areas that may not be best served by a fixed bus route. Riders can schedule trips through the “VRT OnDemand” mobile app, online, or by calling VRT’s customer service team. Rather than being picked up at a bus stop using fixed time schedules, riders are picked up near their location and dropped off near their destination within the service zone.
“The Eagle City Council and I are excited about VRT’s 160 Eagle On-Demand transportation service,” said Eagle Mayor Jason Pierce. “The City of Eagle has maintained a great relationship with VRT over the years, especially serving our senior citizens. We appreciate VRT working with us to provide transportation options for our community and we hope it takes off.”
While the service started with a promotional free-fare period in May, Tuesday’s ceremony highlighted a shift to full-fare service. VRT used the summer to both get people interested in the service and to observe ridership, traffic patterns, app usage, and more.
The 160 Eagle OnDemand runs between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The service area includes most of the city of Eagle, with boundaries of Beacon Light Road, Chinden Boulevard, Highway 16, and Horseshoe Bend Road. It also connects to the intersection of Gary & Bunch in Boise, The Village at Meridian, and the St. Luke’s Meridian campus.